Our members care about Shrewsbury - if you do too, we'd love you to join us
Why join Shrewsbury Civic Society?
Our members give a voice to the thousands of people in Shrewsbury who care about the conservation area, the growth of our town and the quality of proposed housing and other developments. Simply being a member helps to shape our town and makes our voice louder.
How to engage with Shrewsbury Civic Society
We always look to help our members with their concerns about conservation, heritage and development. We have a planning committee that reviews and scrutinises every planning application and you are welcome to take part in or contribute to their deliberations and discussions. You can also get in touch with us by emailing info@shrewsburycivicsociety.co.uk, phoning 01743 344994* or dropping into the Bear Steps Hall between 10 am and 4 pm, Mondays to Saturdays*
- Please note that Shrewsbury Civic Society is staffed by volunteers on a part-time basis, so there may not be anyone available to answer the phone at any given time
- Days may vary whilst the Covid19 restrictions remain in place
What else does the Society offer?
Our website will keep you informed of most developments. We also have Facebook and Twitter accounts, which you can access from the bottom of this page. There is a quarterly newsletter with plenty of relevant articles, and you will receive invitations to our many events that take place over a year. Our affiliated website (Shrewsbury Historica) will keep you up to date with our Events programme
Ready to join?
Annual membership starts on 1st April each year. The simplest way to renew membership is to set up a standing order. We also ask that you sign the Gift Aid Declaration, which allows us to claim from HMRC. This will not cost you anything but does help us a lot.
You can fill in the form on this website by clicking on the button below